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Been working with the ugly dude. He is easily the ugliest fighter ever in a Capcom game...but he is good. Good pokes, strong, throw game, good supers... So far I've been mainly using his mk as a poke, along with the lp breath. His sweep ain't too bad either. The Ready-Go has some nice properties, but it can be punished pretty badly. So far I haven't got the hang of either is dp+p or rdp+p. The dp+p seems impossible to connect with, and if you don't you're toast. The rdp+p seems more useful, but still tricky 'cause it's kind of slow. The option after the first hit is cool, though. Anyone else been playing him? What have you got? I play mostly K, and I do like having lots of lvl3s with him, his supers are all really useful and make him really dangerous when MAX'd. IP: Logged Devil Lee Mofo Destroyer Posts: 640 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: Puyallup WA USA Posted: 12:15:2001 03:16 AM Quit while you're behind. IP: Logged Ben-Ra Rex's bitch Posts: 149 Registered: Feb 2001 Location: Kansas City Posted: 12:15:2001 05:52 PM Behind what? A friend of mine always tells me to use the dropkick, but it's just too much of a hassle to hold down those buttons(especially when I want to use mk so much). IP: Logged Orochi Pickle JESUS LOVES YOU ALL!!!!!! Posts: 131 Registered: Oct 2001 Location: LongBeach California Posted: 12:15:2001 06:20 PM I don't think that he is that bad he just isnt nearly as good as some of the other characters. The one move though that i wouldn't reallyuse is the drop kick. It seems to point less to charge buttons and takes up too much time even if you do use that kick a lot. So if you like him stick with him. I like to do the combo where you bellyflop then 2wp>bdp+fp>qcb+fp. This does a lot of damage anda lot of dizzy meter. Just to of these and they are either dizzied or really close to being so. hopefully that combo youlike. -Pickledude- IP: Logged threesixtee Akina Speed Star Posts: 274 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: Rick's Night Club, Lake City, Washington Posted: 12:15:2001 08:20 PM IMHO raiden is pretty underrated - just like he was in CvS 1, and chikuu showed us raiden's greatness at b5, so I think he has potential. big bear is great in snk grooves, running helps his manueverability. his j fp body splash crosses up quite nicely, use that along with running, or try it from a short jump, it gets pretty annoying. cr fp for anti-air, its not great, but its the best he has. c groove: doesn't get much here, dashing isn't much to his benefit, but airblocking and the ability to sit on a level 3 super are always a plus. a groove: not sure - does he have a decent CC? I have yet to see one. p groove: short jumping and parrying. use the short jump body splash to your advantage - parry to 360 throw is awesome if you can do it. s groove: obviously dodge is great with anyone with command throws, but other than that, running and short jumps are all that helps him here. personally, I prefer having a roll. n groove: counter movement is great - great placement for either the 720 super or the super firebreath. the 20% damage increase from stock breaking can't hurt either. k groove: RAGE. a raged raiden does crazy damage. you can buffer 360 / 720 throws out of a just defense. b & b combo: crossup j fp, cr wp, cr wp, cr wp, b, d, db p, qcb p - decent damage, and annoying if you can keep up the cross up madness, you can juggle with lvl 3 firebreath if you got it. IP: Logged booda The "High & Almighty" Posts: 449 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Bellevue, Washington Posted: 12:15:2001 08:32 PM You haven't seen THE Raiden CC!? It involves knocking your opponent in the air with the Ready-Go dash, and then continuing to juggle them with well-timed successive dashes. It HURRRRRTS. IP: Logged magnus Member Posts: 88 Registered: Aug 2000 Location: la, ca, usa Posted: 12:15:2001 10:43 PM ok, let me see. Raiden overall has a good grab game. his role is pretty quick and can be followed up with a grab. be sure that you use the lp flame as an aa, it works good. his crouching fierce is a good aa as well. for pokes, i usually us his mk along with a cr. jab -> rdp. jab, foloowed by the hcb kick to grab the blocking opponent. as far as the cc goes, it can be set up after the rdp. jab, qcb p . from there keep rushing, it does good damage, be sure to follow it with the flame super. overall, raiden is decent, use hime wisely. alot of players don't play against him often so that should be an advantage. mag IP: Logged Ben-Ra Rex's bitch Posts: 149 Registered: Feb 2001 Location: Kansas City Posted: 12:16:2001 12:53 AM Thanks for the b&b combo. Can c.wp also combo into a super(rush or breath)? IP: Logged Leviathan Muay Thai Monk Posts: 132 Registered: Jan 2001 Location: Portland, OR, USA Posted: 12:16:2001 04:49 AM I think that you can occassionally make use of the drop kick. Like, if you jump in and c.wp a few times and it is blocked, you could easily hold down a kick button while doing that, and if they try to counter attack afterwards...WHAM! It has no real recovery time, and can be buffered into 360+K fairly easily. Raiden is fun as hell. IP: Logged GalzPanic Senior Member Posts: 151 Registered: Jul 2001 Location: Fremont, CA Posted: 12:16:2001 05:10 AM Do this: rdp+P, qcb+P, Lvl3 Puke N-groove only: with all stocks filled, break one, do a counter attack, then Lvl3 Puke. Raidne isn't that bad. IP: Logged GeekBoy Insert Brain Here Posts: 1660 Registered: Jun 2001 Location: Solano, CA Posted: 12:16:2001 05:11 AM quote: Originally posted by Ben-Ra Thanks for the b&b combo. Can c.wp also combo into a super(rush or breath)? Yes, but it's hard for the breath, I usually use that for AA. You can do c.LPx2 XX Rush super. IP: Logged Voodoo Absorbant and yellow! B5 Bronze Benefactor Posts: 1494 Registered: Nov 2000 Location: Fairfax, VA Posted: 12:16:2001 05:22 AM Raiden's CC: Activate, c.rh -> jab shoulder charge -> fierce shoulder charge x N -> green mist super. The timing on the charges is a little strange at first, but it does a crazy amount of damage. IP: Logged EVIL5150 Iron Fisted God Posts: 256 Registered: Aug 2000 Location: Sunnyvale CA USA Posted: 12:16:2001 10:23 PM There was a brief period where a P-Groove Raiden was giving me all sorts of trouble, but he gave up and went back to normal characters. IP: Logged water Member Posts: 69 Registered: Nov 2001 Location: Houston Posted: 12:16:2001 10:37 PM yeah raiden can be pretty good. Have you seen the raiden strats video at endless fight?? raiden rushdown~!!! IP: Logged Ben-Ra Rex's bitch Posts: 149 Registered: Feb 2001 Location: Kansas City Posted: 12:17:2001 01:44 PM Thx for all thge replies, some good stuff. I've been using the dp+p move a bit lately, it seems really good...just be at the correct range and it works like a charm. Comes out quick and can't be blocked, great to throw in a poke game once in a while. Those who play him, what are some of Big Bear's weaknesses? Who gives you trouble and why? IP: Logged Ben-Ra Rex's bitch Posts: 149 Registered: Feb 2001 Location: Kansas City Posted: 12:19:2001 01:58 AM OK, I'm an idiot. That stupid dp+p thing can be ducked under. Although it can catch opponents in the air... IP: Logged threesixtee Akina Speed Star Posts: 274 Registered: Apr 2001 Location: Rick's Night Club, Lake City, Washington Posted: 12:19:2001 04:06 AM quote: Originally posted by Ben-Ra OK, I'm an idiot. That stupid dp+p thing can be ducked under. Although it can catch opponents in the air... I only use that move if I hit the crouching jabs, for the combo - its way too punishable and you can throw him out of it before he even throws the punch out. here's my question: that CC previously mentioned is bloody HARD - after the sweep, I can hit 2 "ready-go!" shoulderblocks, but then more often than not my opponent is behind me and it messes me up. is it supposed to do that? or is it a corner only combo, which in that case I can do it. thanks. IP: Logged ernestw Junior Member Posts: 21 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: Honolulu, HI Posted: 12:19:2001 06:41 AM quote: here's my question: that CC previously mentioned is bloody HARD - after the sweep, I can hit 2 "ready-go!" shoulderblocks, but then more often than not my opponent is behind me and it messes me up. is it supposed to do that? or is it a corner only combo, which in that case I can do it. Sounds like you're using the jab Ready-Go's. What works for me is: 1. Activate CC 2. Sweep -> Jab Ready-Go 3. After the first Ready-Go hits, immediately use the fierce Ready-Go. 4. Keep on using fierce Ready-Go until meter is almost gone. 5. Do flame breath. You end up doing more damage this way anyways. When using the fierce Ready-Go's you'll have to do them immediately after the previous Ready-Go hits, otherwise, the move will come out too late. The jab Ready-Go's advance you too much but if the footsweep was done relatively far from your opponent, you can use it to cover some ground before starting with the fierce Ready-Go's. IP: Logged Ben-Ra Rex's bitch Posts: 149 Registered: Feb 2001 Location: Kansas City Posted: 12:20:2001 09:52 AM I may be high as a kite, but if I recall correctly(too tired to check right now), you can juggle with breath super after landing a normal breath... Random thought... IP: Logged Bastion lotr sucks Posts: 610 Registered: Mar 2001 Location: Posted: 01:16:2002 04:44 AM I started playing Raiden a week ago. One question how do YOU beat Sagat? IP: Logged lonelyfighter Senior Member Posts: 202 Registered: Oct 2000 Location: Omaha,Nebraska,USA Posted: 01:16:2002 02:28 PM Not sure how to beat Sagat or not sure how to explain it is more like it. Anyways just here to say his rushdown super does much more damage than any other super he has and you can combo into 8 ways from Sunday. Use the GL DP+p its great and has anti air property's if timed correctly you can grab Geese out of his air FB haha. ALways use the charge the dropkick its too good not to use kinda like Rogs Final blow. IP: Logged All times are GMT. The time now is 02:09 AM. Forum Rules: You may post new threads. You may post replies. You may post attachments. You may edit your posts. Posting Rules: HTML code is OFF. Smilies are ON. vB code is ON ([IMG] code is OFF).Admin Options: Open / Close Move / Copy Delete Edit Merge Split Stick / Unstick Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Copyright ©2000, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited.